Singapore is a major industry and contributor to the Singaporean economy, attracting 18.5 million international tourists in 2018, more than three times population.


Malaysia is also a popular destination for snorkeling and scuba diving, with beautiful coral reefs and soft sandy beaches that regularly make top destinations


A lot of tourists love coming to Indonesia because of how beautiful and diverse this country is. Known to many as Wonderful Indonesia, it brings you the second largest tropical forests.


Bintan is known for its beautiful beaches, rich historical sites, amazing fauna, as well as abundant Chinese temples and seafood restaurants. Some good places to visit on Bintan Island is Tanjung Pinang.


Batam is the answer to a real beach, sun, and sea for a few days. Maybe it is not the best island vacation, but it is so near it is worth to come over just over the weekend, with only 45 minutes of the ferry from Singapore.


VIETNAM is a beautiful country for backpackers, culture and nature lovers, beach-lovers, military soldiers and veterans, Vietnam has become a new tourist destination in Southeast Asia.


As one of the fastest growing tourism destinations in Southeast Asia, Cambodia's rich heritage, culture and natural resources offer a full range of culture and eco-tourism sites that are both dynamic and sustainable.


Thailand is one of the prettiest South-Asian countries, which is why Thailand tourism has increased over time. Apart from the attractions of the country's capital city - Bangkok, Thailand is dotted with rainforests, pretty white sand beaches.

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